Dr.sc. Paško Bilić (IRMO), dr. sc. Toni Prug (nezavisni istraživač) i dr.sc. Mislav Žitko (FFZG) objavili su monografiju pod naslovom The Political Economy of Digital Monopolies: Contradictions and alternatives to data commodification za britanskog izdavača Bristol University Press. Kroz sedam poglavlja autori analiziraju proizvodnju, regulaciju i financijalizaciju digitalnih proizvoda i usluga, prvenstveno trans-nacionalnih kompanija kao što su Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon i Microsoft. Pritom koriste suvremene interpretacije kritičke teorije da bi objasnili njihovu globalnu dominaciju, razumjeli učinke na društvo, medije i komunikaciju te da bi otvorili raspravu o reformi i alternativama poslovnim modelima koji se temelje na prikupljanju i komodifikaciji korisničkih podataka.
“Our world has come to be dominated by a few giant high-tech corporations whose power and impact have, rightly, drawn much comment. However, rigorous analysis of their financial and monopolistic character is scarce. In this thoughtful book the authors creatively apply Marxist theory to help us understand the role and significance of these digital titans.”
Peter Golding, Northumbria University
“The utopian promises made at the start of ‘the digital age’ have not come true. If you wish to understand why – and why Marx remains indispensable – read this book!”
Tony Smith, Iowa State University
“In this thoroughly researched and clearly written book, critical theory confronts the concentration of power in cyber-monopolies to advance our understanding of digital capitalism. The authors skilfully assess proposals for both reform and social transformation.”
Vincent Mosco, author of The Smart City in a Digital World
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