The fourth platEU reflection entitled ‘Governance of culture and regulation of online platforms: cross-national issues’ authored by Antonios Vlassis from the Center for International Relations Studies (CEFIR), University of Liège has been published at the website of the platEU project.
The fourth platEU reflection brings information on the current data and policy initiatives dealing with the state of play of cultural markets and worldwide activities of online platforms. It firstly highlights the key trends in the global music and audiovisual markets in the context of lockdown measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Secondly, it analyses various activities of online platforms in different institutional contexts, such as in Southeast Asia, in South Africa, and in Italy. Thirdly, it turns to several policy initiatives regarding the governance of online platforms. The focus is on India, the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union.
platEU reflection no.4 is available at the following link.