Invitation to the Masterclass with Antonios Vlassis, 25th of March 2022, Zagreb&online

Mar 17, 2022

We cordially invite you to the Masterclass Lecture with Antonios Vlassis, University of Liège, Belgium, which will be held in hybrid format at the Academy of Dramatic Arts, F22 Hall, Frankopanska 22 in Zagreb and online on 25th of March 2022 from 17-19h. The event will also be streamed via IRMO Facebook page.

About the Masterclass:

The rapid expansion of video-on-demand platforms, such as Netflix, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime Video associated with the advance of digital capitalism makes the European Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) a particularly relevant case for understanding the politics of the digital media policy. The AVMSD includes two key obligations for video-on-demand platforms towards (1) their financial contribution to European and national audio-visual content creation and (2) the presence and prominence of European and national audio-visual works in their online catalogues.

From a policy-making view, four questions here arise: why and how did the involved actors in the AVMSD-making process decide to propose new obligations for online platforms? In which ways did global online platforms and audiovisual industry associations deal with European public intervention in the digital audiovisual services? Which kind of views did national governments, as well as European Commission and European Parliament promote towards the new obligations for the online platforms? To what extent can the new AVMSD obligations be diffused abroad in the context of the Covid-19 crisis?

Antonios Vlassis is Senior Researcher in the Center for International Relations Studies (CEFIR), University of Liège and Lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Liège. He obtained his PhD in Political Science from Bordeaux University/Sciences Po Bordeaux (France). His research and teaching fields deal with international cooperation, rising powers, international political economy, global cultural politics, EU cultural and media policies and cultural globalisation.

Discussant of the lecture will be Paško Bilić from IRMO, while the event will be moderated by Jaka Primorac, IRMO.

Please register for the event at the following link.

We hope you will be able to join us!